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Role: Account Planner


To identify and market to a new target segment.


Secondary research: MRI data, news articles

Primary research: 15 personal interviews with members of the target audience

Target identified:

Key findings:


Why don't you use sanitizer?

"I wash my hands frequently and don't see the benefit of using this thing"

"I wash my hands regularly anyway"

"I'm never in a situation where I can't just wash my hands"

Key insight

The target audience members don't use hand sanitizer as they prefer washing hands. However, they don't end up doing that often enough either, since they feel the need for it only after they use the bathroom, before and after meals, and when their hands are visibly dirty. They don't recognize the different situations in which they need to clean their hands.


Convince 25- to 34-year-old men living in the US that they should add Purell to their plans because it is a quick and convenient way to keep their hands clean and hygienic in social situations.

Read the Creative Brief here.


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